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Extracting Images from Helm Charts

On this page you can read about the how helmper extracts container image references from Helm Charts values.yaml file.

Image Format

Helmper considers the following elements of an image reference string

  1. registry
  2. repository
  3. name
  4. tag
  5. digest/sha

These values will be combined to one of the following strings:


The combined strings are parsed with distribution/reference library to check image validity.

Supported sections in values.yaml

image: "reference:tag"
image: "reference@digest"
repository: ""
tag: "latest"
registry: ""
repository: "library/hello-world"
tag: "latest"
registry: ""
repository: "library/hello-world"
tag: "latest"
digest: "sha256:266b191e926f65542fa8daaec01a192c4d292bff79426f47300a046e1bc576fd"
useDigest: true

note some charts use sha instead of digest. Helmper consider those two to both refer to the digest of the image

Tested against following Helm Charts

  • Prometheus
  • Promtail
  • Loki
  • Mimir-Distributed
  • Grafana
  • Cilium
  • Cert-Manager
  • Ingress-Nginx
  • Reflector
  • Velero
  • Kured
  • Keda
  • Trivy-Operator
  • Kubescape-Operator
  • ArgoCD

See more in the test file